A day away...
Corona, protests, election politics,
and a job listening to heartache 10 hours a day...
This combination led me to take a day off.
I drove past CU,
above Boulder up Baseline Rd on Flagstaff Mountain,
to a picnic spot overlooking Gross Lake Reservoir.
On the distant horizon Mount Brainard showed off a few patches of ice and snow.
I set up my pochade box and canvas chair
squeezed some oil paint on a glass palette
then placed a small wood panel on the easel.
I had prepared it from a failed painting.
Covered the past with gesso.
I dipped worn brushes in a blend of turpentine and linseed oil.
Adjusted my hat to block out the sun
Took a swallow of store bought spring water.
Then... I just ...breathed.
The next few hours were just for me;
the bluebirds and magpies
and the chipmunk that was sure there must be some peanuts near by...
The wild flowers were what I had come in search of.
They did not disappoint.
Gaillardia, Red and Yellow Indian Paint Brush,
and a spread of White Alpine Yarrow,
mixed with some Yellow Asters and Alpine Sunflowers..
Pine cones on the ground and paddle boarders on the lake.
This Colorado-boy of sixty five was home.
The plein-aire effort was not much.
I took some snaps, and returned home that Saturday afternoon.
The next day was Sunday.
Julie and I watched an online sermon,
and shared communion bread and juice,
communing alone in this socially distant apocalyptic time.
" I want to take you for a drive." I told her, We retraced my trip.
It was so much better with my lifelong companion.
The flowers were brighter,
the breeze fresher.
Even the chipmunk seemed to approve.
We took a lot more pictures. Then returned home.
That night someone stole my car.
The car we drove up Flagstaff mountain.
It was recovered a few weeks later,
windows smashed,
floor board cluttered with the trash of empty lives.
I resent the trashing of my car,
but I also resented the trashing of a memory of our special summer day.
A few days passed and I set up my easel.
I took out an old canvas that had borne another failed effort,
covered it with a wash of Alizarian Red, Cadmium Yellow and Burnt Sienna.
I put the repurposed canvas on the easel,
listened to some old Rod McKuen poetry
and sang along with the sappy music,
and painted the day.
June 28,2020.
The day I got away.